Assalaamu’alaikum wr wb

Dear Parents/Guardians of P1 (2021) applicants,


May this letter reach you in the best of health.

*  We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding with respect to the delay in the implementation of the Madrasah P1 (2021) Entrance Test (MET) due to the circuit breaker measures. We had earlier rescheduled the MET to Saturday, 13 June 2020. You may have also received admin instructions from the madrasah of your choice for this test date. This was done with the intention to keep you informed about 2 weeks prior to the test date for your convenience.

*  Unfortunately, Muis has recently received advice from MOE to postpone the MET to July as a safety precaution in line with the measures put in place in the phase 1 post-circuit breaker. Hence, Muis have made the decision to postpone the MET to Saturday, 18 July 2020 based on guidance from MOE.

*  Due to this delay, we expect the confirmation of admission into P1 madrasah to be on 29 August 2020. Please find in Annex A for the revised timeline. Based on this new date, the registration phases for a place in the national schools would have already ended. Thus, for those who have yet to apply for a place in the national schools, we strongly recommend doing so. This would allow your child to have the option to eventually select either the national school or madrasah of their choice, if they are successful in their application to both institutions.

*  We would also like to reiterate that applicants will neither be penalised for applying at a national school nor have an advantage in securing a place at the madrasahs if they do not apply at a national school. Entrance into the madrasahs is highly competitive and based on past applications, only about half will be able to get a place in the madrasahs.

*  We would also like to remind parents that Singaporean applicants must enrol to either a national school, a designated school (such as a full-time madrasah) or be approved to be homeschooled under the Compulsory Education Act. Please find in Annex B a list of FAQs to address some of your queries.

Due to uncertainties of the COVID-19 situation, we would like to seek your kind
understanding in the event of any further changes to the entrance test process.

*  We pray that Allah ease all our affairs and grant for your child the best possible outcome.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Muhammad Nasir Johari
Head (Madrasah Policy & Planning)
Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura



Madrasah Entrance Test 18 Jul ’20 (Saturday)
Application Results Release 10 – 16 Aug ‘20 (Monday – Sunday)
Appeal Period 17 – 21 Aug ‘20 (Monday – Friday)
Madrasah Registration Exercise 29 Aug ‘20 (Saturday)


What is the Compulsory Education Act?
* All Singapore Citizens born after 1 January 1996 and living in Singapore must attend a national primary school unless an exemption is granted. Exemption include being granted approval to be home-schooled or attending a designated school such as any of the four full-time madrasahs offering primary level education.

If my child missed the Madrasah Entrance Test on the scheduled date, will there be another date for him/her to sit for the test?
* As has been the practice in previous years, no alternative dates will be provided for your child. This includes genuine reasons for missing the test, such as being sick on that day proven with a valid Medical Certificate or being late due to circumstances out of your control. For those who missed the Madrasah Entrance Test, they will no longer be eligible to appeal for a place during the appeal window period.

What happens during the appeal window period?
* If your child was unsuccessful in getting a place at the madrasah your child had applied to for the Madrasah Entrance Test, you can choose to appeal during the appeal period via the madrasah’s website. You may declare your interest to be considered by other madrasahs. Madrasahs will come together to consider applicants from other madrasahs to fill in the remaining vacancies still available for next year’s intake. The result for the appeal is final.

What happens during the registration week?
* All successful applicants are to register at the respective madrasahs. For Singaporeans, they will be required to complete the application for Certificate of Exemption form.
For international students, they will be required to apply for their student’s pass. For more information, please check with the respective madrasahs during registration.

Why should my child apply for a place in the national schools, when I am only interested to send my child in the madrasahs?
* Parents are recommended to proceed with registering their child into a national school during the specific registration phase if they have not received a confirmation of their admission into the madrasah. This is recommended because:
– Limited spaces are available in the madrasahs and usually about half of the applicants will not be successful in their application for a place in the madrasahs
– Under the Compulsory Education Act, Singaporeans at the age of 7 must attend either a national school, a madrasah/designated school or received approval for home-schooling by MOE
– Applicants applying at both a madrasah and a national school will not be penalised for either applications due to them being different admission exercises
While it is especially crucial for Singaporean applicants to have secured a place in the national school or madrasah by law, non-Singaporean applicants are also encouraged to secure a place in the national schools to ensure that they will be able to secure the most preferred option among the national schools available.

What should I do if my child is successful in securing a place in both a madrasah and a national school but wish to enrol my child in the madrasah only?
* For Singaporeans and Permanent Residents, they will be able to make a withdrawal request at the national school that they had registered to at any time during the dates of the various national school registration phases. If the registration phases have ended, they should inform the school that they wish to withdraw before coming down to the school.
When making the withdrawal, parents should bring all identification documents, and the certificate of exemption from Compulsory Education (if they have it already). Parents should also notify MOE’s Compulsory Education unit at [email protected] on their decision to withdraw from the national school.
For international students, as their registration phase only begins in October, they will only be required to submit their withdrawal of interest via the online form available on the MOE website.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please call Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah at 6478 7133 or email us at [email protected] and our Admission Officer will be glad to assist you. 

Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah
277 Braddell Road
Singapore 579711