- Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah provides a Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS) for students from less privileged families who are studying in the madrasah. Eligible families who do not meet the criteria for PROMAS but are in need of financial assistance, witha per capita income of not more than $750 are eligible to receive subsidies of not more than $1200.
- For existing FAS recipients, please note that approved FAS assistance is only valid for one year. You are required to apply again to be considered for assistance in the subsequent year(s).
- Eligibility Criteria
- Student not a recipient of 12 months MUIS’ PROMAS & MTFA assistance
- Student is not a recipient of other Scholarship/Bursary/Financial Assistance Scheme (Except CDCs & other Muslim Organisation)
- No major disciplinary case/s
- PCI not more than$750
- Kindly call our General Office at 64787133 or email to [email protected]for further query.
Thank you.
Wassalam Wr Wb.