English Department

Head of Department
Asst Head of Department
Teacher Mentor
Upper Pri Coordinator
Lower Pri Coordinator
Coordinator (ICT)

  • Ms Aishah Shaul Hamid
  • Mdm Firza Hanim Abdul Jalil
  • Mdm Zuraidah Abdul Karim
  • Mdm Rozana Mohd Said
  • Mdm Kartini Supa’at
  • Mr Rizal Bin Jailani
  • Mr Azlan Bin Mazlan
  • Ms Noor Aishah Hussin
  • Mdm Norkhairina Binte Sudin
  • Mdm Sahrina Binte Rani
  • Mdm SarinaBinte Arsad
  • Mr Suffend Bini Ibrahim
  • Mdm Suryani Eahsan
  • Mdm Suwarti Sajani


Pri 1 Bridging Programme

A 4-session programme is conducted annually for selected in-going Primary 1 students
to help them with their reading skills before they enter Primary 1.

Buddy Reading

In order to help struggling readers improve their fluency in reading, the Primary 1 students are paired with their Primary 3 buddies and
the Primary 2 students are paired with their Primary 4 buddies to have weekly reading sessions.

P1 & P2 MLEA and P6 Learning Journeys

Activities are conducted together with selected STELLAR titles covered in the term to expose students
to memorable experiences, which they can write about.

The King’s Birthday (Ice-Cream Party)

Primary 6 - Kranji War Memorial & Fort Siloso in remembrance of Lieutenant Adnan Saidi

Fort Siloso

Kranji War Memorial

Assembly Program: 321 Read & Tumble Books from NLB

A ten-minute silent reading is conducted every Tuesday morning before assembly programme starts to inculcate a reading culture in the school.
This silent reading is followed by the presentations of other students with their current reads for the upper primary levels and
 the reading of e-books for the lower primary levels.

Library Visits

Students are brought to the school library once a month to read the latest books available and participate in the activities held there.
 Students are also given the opportunity to visit national libraries as part of the department’s aim to inculcate a reading culture.  

Writer’s Club

Students are given the opportunity to improve their literary as well as presentation skills through weekly sessions conducted in the writer’s club.
By the end of the session, students will be able to publish their own stories.

SEF competition

Students who take part in the annual Scholastic Environment Fund competition will have the opportunity to conduct an
environmental project that they have to carry out in the school within the time frame given.
In 2019, one of Irsyad’s team – The Butterfly Garden clinched the gold award.

REACH and ICAS competitions by UNSW

Irsyad students take part in the University of New South Wales REACH assessment and ICAS competition annually
to test their ability to comprehend texts and to be exposed to external assessments.
3 of our students have achieved High Distinctions, top 1%, in the ICAS competition while 8 students clinched
the Exemplary award, top 1%, in the REACH assessment in 2 019.