Arabic Campaign (Hamlah)

Greetings, honorable Irsyadians!

We welcome all of you, as speakers of Arabic language, to the designated website for the Arabic Language Campaign under the supervision of the Arabic Language Department at Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al-Islamiah. Every year, the Arabic Language Department organizes this campaign as part of its initiatives and efforts to further develop the students’ competency in the language and promote its usage outside of classroom in a fun and enjoyable way.  Arabic language is the language of the Quran and the mother tongue of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Given this prestigious position, every Irsyadian should aim to learn, understand and master the language in his quest to become a Khalifah on earth. Based on this principle, we hope that the programs and competitions from this campaign will help to inculcate the love of Arabic Language within your hearts. 

So let’s participate!

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